A little case for growing food in community (and doing with less money)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

We all know wage-slavery is consuming the planet and as a result increasing amounts of land are being cleared and mined and militarised, and yet we continue on thinking someone else will fix the predicament.

Money materialises into plumes of aggregating waste, making life unbearable for many. Money must grow, it must keep taking. How much of your economy is dependent on money?

All we really need is a bicycle, access to land to grow food, simple shelter, loving community and the will to take responsibility for our actions. Is that really so difficult to achieve? 

Everything other than a clear-eyed relationship with food and energy resources, and the culture and care that comes from such activity, is excessive, fraudulent and destructive. Everything else is insane.

Accepting a life of neoliberal wage-slavery is accepting a life of permanent planetary war. The dots that join our lives to this scenario are few in number. Are we going to own this paradigm and enact change or keep pretending?

What will it take for you to become a regenerator of the flowering earth again, like our ancestors before us? What will it take for you to hear the songs of the earth again?

At what point will you say ENOUGH! I will not support this paradigm, and start living so more life can be lived after you?

Lessen your dependance on money and you will start reclaiming accountability from neoliberal hypertechnocivility and help grow again the flowering earth. It takes one to inspire another. There is no preaching to the converted. There is only action or inaction.

Fighting for the world's biospheres begins by changing our economy. In just seven years our household has decreased our dependancy on the monetary economy by 60%. Getting rid of our cars and growing our own food has been a big part of this.

Wishing you greater permapoesis into the new year. A very merry solstice to you.


Art as war (through the gut)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

While western food eradicates the life-giving bacteria in our guts, inflaming our biology and behaviour, western film — our most dominant art — must use guns, kill with impunity, and offer only polarising forces and characters. 

Advertisement in The Saturday Paper, 22 October 2016
So is there a correlation with what we mine to put into our guts and what we mine to tell our stories? Is this why we live in a cultural paradigm committed to permanent war? A war lived at the supermarket and in the cinema?


Marriage plebiscite for all comers!

Friday, September 16, 2016


Kruger:Refuse (or, Required myths of the hypermediated)

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The image on the left belongs to the art of Barbara Kruger.

The image on the right shows OJ's hoody (at the Daylesford Refuse and Recycling Centre today).

Gender may be more irrelevant than life imitating art...


Newcomers and old timers mixing it like no one can tell...

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Reclaiming the economies of regard

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The post today welcomes in Peter Tyndall's gift

Much gratitude Poeter.


A permaculture poetics

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Spiral Orb: an experiment in permaculture poetics, is an online poetry journal based in the US. According to its editor Eric Magrane:
Spiral Orb is an experiment in juxtaposition, interrelationships, and intertextuality — a cross-pollination.
My poem Permamesostic, appeared in the first issue in 2010, and now my Anthem; elegy appears in the eleventh.


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