Greenwash #2 in Trouble

Friday, July 31, 2009

A few years ago I met and shared a meal with John Peterson, a US artist-farmer who worked out a unique way to put the mardi gras back into microbial life. Peterson has spent a lifetime building interrelationships between the earth, art and food. He transformed his family’s farm from using conventional ecocidal farming practices into a world of creativity and experimentation where wild nature was encouraged to coexist with cultivated nature.

Read on here.


eddy carroll said...

I look forward to reading these when trouble gets delivered to the store, how, I wonder, did Trouble begin to get delivered to the store? That I don't know, but I am glad that it does, and if it doesn't, now I can read your article here. Ace.

AND John peterson was really interesting to learn about..

Permapoesis said...

peterson's film is really wonderful! you can watch the trailer here.

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