A happy fuckin’ ANZAC Day centenary sampling to accompany a portrait of the British flag tabloid raised at night (Jerry Seinfeld) in the southern hemisphere chapter of the global monetary economy oil wars (in 153 words)

Friday, April 24, 2015

1. Pat Barker. The Ghost Road, Penguin Books, 1996, pp143-144
Daily Telegraph


Anonymous said...

It's confounding and bewildering to see ANZAC elevated as a founding moment...what can possibly be drawn from it in this context? Our unquestioning allegiance to militancy? Our lack of courage to forge a better way? Our willingness to offer up young men as martyrs?

Patrick (a different one)

Permapoesis said...

Great questions Patrick. Thanks for sharing them here.

With such a skewed sense of 'nation' and an impoverished reading of history, it is no wonder nationalism is on the rise.

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